Hi! We are Rob & Kellie G. and this is our story...

Rob & Kellie G.We have been married for almost 7 years, and for about 5 of those years we have tried to conceive with no success. We have wanted so badly to grow our family. Honestly being a mother is the one thing that Kellie has always been 100% sure about. It was her greatest dream. After trying to drop weight, as her GYN suggested and concerning symptoms that continued to worsen, we sought out a new GYN. It was then discovered that Kellie was in the earliest stages of a rare form of ovarian cancer. For this reason a complete hysterectomy was needed.

Adoption Here We Come!We believe that adoption is the path though which our dream of growing our family will happen. Before infertility and cancer were a reality for us, adoption was something that was already in our hearts. We had hoped that one day we would be able to add adopted children to our family along with biological children. Now we’ve decided to take the plunge! Kellie can’t wait to see Rob holding their child and sharing his love of Star Wars with him or her…… Rob dreams of hearing Kellie sing lullabies to a child that we can call our own…… We both are eager to step in to raise a child that needs a family and to raise that child to love God, love people and make an impact in this crazy world… And also to maybe even make a positive impact in the life of a birth mother.

Funding The Dream...

Chosen & AdoptedThis dream, unfortunately, does not come cheap. We are in beginning stages of fundraising. The adoption will cost between $28,000 and $30,000. We have a goal of raising $28,000 at this time.

Please know that we are not intending to beg for money. We decided to use crowdfunding as one avenue of fundraising because so many people expressed that they wanted to help. Our family and friends are spread out all over the country, so we thought that this would be a great way to allow others to be involved. We are also making it a priority to use other means to raise the money as well. Kellie has started a blog to tell our story and also to use as a means to make extra money by selling handmade items, which she promotes on the blog. (Our story, in more detail, can be found at We are planning to apply for various grants as well.

After we complete our home study, which is a $4000 payment step, we will be able to start applying for grants. The home study is used as part of the grant application process. Any support, whether monetary, prayer or sharing of our story, would be greatly appreciated. If our goal is surpassed, the extra funds would be used towards our second adoption.

Thanks for your love and support!

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